Our sincere thank you to our partners, who have shaped the ideas in this book.
Amy Bernstein, who has been our beacon during this process, and her colleagues at the Harvard Business Review Press (found at www.harvardbusiness.org and www.hbr.org) who have expanded the book’s reach and impact;
Our colleagues at the Harvard Business School who facilitated our research and with whom we shared many debates and discussions on the changing nature of firms, and their business and operating models (www.hbs.edu/faculty);
Our colleagues at the Laboratory for Innovation Sciences at Harvard and at the HBS Digital Initiative who contributed invaluable research insights (LISH.harvard.edu and digital.hbs.edu);
To all of the companies profiled in the book, and especially to the many executives who generously contributed many ideas and much time;
Last but not least to our brilliant colleagues at Keystone Strategy who partnered with us to research, impact, and transform countless organizations over more than ten years and many great, innovative projects (keystone.ai).
Our sincere thanks.